Organizing Committee
Cíntia Vieira da Silva (UFOP)
Bachelor’s degree (1996), master’s degree (2000) and doctorate (2007) in Philosophy from UNICAMP – State University of Campinas. Postdoctoral research on dance at USP – University of São Paulo (from August 2017 to August 2018). Associate professor at the Philosophy Department of UFOP – Federal University of Ouro Preto. President of ABRE – Brazilian Association of Aesthetics. Experience in Philosophy, especially Modern and Contemporary, working mainly with the following themes: philosophy of difference; the body as a philosophical question; corporeity/image and its aesthetical, ethical-political and epistemological implications; Spinozan theory of affections. Papers published by the journals “Dois pontos”, “Princípios”, “Cadernos espinosanos”, “Viso-cadernos de estética aplicada”, among other. Published Corpo e pensamento: alianças conceituais entre Deleuze e Espinosa (Body and thought: conceptual links between Deleuze and Spinoza), 2013, with the Unicamp Press.
Debora Pazetto Ferreira (UDESC)
Visual Arts teacher at UDESC – State University of Santa Catarina, and at the post-graduation program in Technological Education of CEFET-MG – Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais. Bachelor’s and master’s degree in Philosophy from UFSC – Federal University of Santa Catarina. Visual Arts degree from UDESC. Doctorate in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art from UFMG – Federal University of Minas Gerais, with an inter-university exchange doctorate program at Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne. Develops and advises researches on aesthetics and philosophy of art, art criticism, gender studies, art and technology, dance and corporeity. Organized several books and events and published chapters of books and papers on the above mentioned themes.
Fernanda Proença (UFOP)
Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from USP – University of São Paulo. Currently taking a master’s degree at UFOP – Federal University of Ouro Preto under the advisement of Prof. Dr. Bruno Guimarães, with a scholarship from FAPEMIG – Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais. Assistant editor and reviewer for the academic journal ArteFilosofia. Treasurer of ABRE – Brazilian Association of Aesthetics.
Giorgia Cecchinato (UFMG)
Born in Padova, 1974. Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Università degli studi di Padova (2001) and doctorate (2009) from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. Researcher and teacher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität from 2007 to 2008. Held a DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service scholarship at UFPR – Federal University of Paraná. Researcher at Università degli studi di Padova from 2008 to 2009. Currently, associate professor of Aesthetics at UFMG – Federal University of Minas Gerais, mainly in Modern Philosophy, focussing on the following themes: Kant, German idealism, 18th century philosophy and its aesthetical and moral implications. Author of the monograph “Das Problem einer Ästhetik bei Fichte”, Würzburg, 2009; and of other essays and papers on German idealism.
Miguel Gally (UNB)
Born in Leuven, 1976. Studied Philosophy at UFPB – Federal University of Paraíba, UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and at Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster. Received qualification and research scholarships from CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service, CAPES – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel and FAP-DF – Foundation for Research Support of Federal District. Visiting professor of postgraduate programs in Philosophy (2008-2010) and Architecture and Urbanism (2016) at UFRN – Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Visiting researcher at USP – University of São Paulo (2016), University of Amsterdam (Post-Doc, 2017-2018) e Freie Universität Berlin (Postdoctoral, 2017-2018). Currently associate professor of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art and of Architecture and Urbanism in the Department of Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism; and in the Research and Postgraduate Program of the School of Architecture and Urbanism at UnB – University of Brasilia. Head of the “Ambiente 33: spatiality , communication, aesthetics and technology – Interdisciplinary research group”, from CNPq. Board member of ABRE – Brazilian Association of Aesthetics since 2018.
Rachel Cecília de Oliveira (UFOP – coordinator)
Master’s and doctorate degree in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art from UFMG – Federal University of Minas Gerais, with an inter-university exchange doctorate program at Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne. Post-doctorate at Braude College of Engineering in Israel, in Art and Technology. Post-doctorate at the Philosophy Postgraduate Program of UFOP – Federal University of Ouro Preto, through the PNPD – National Post-doctorate Program. Board member of ABRE – Brazilian Association of Aesthetics for two terms. Visiting professor at Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne. Currently, adjunct professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History and of the Postgraduate Program in Arts at the Guignard School of UEMG – State University of Minas Gerais. Works as collaborating professor for the postgraduate program at UFOP. Editor of the academic journal ArteFilosofia. Organized books and published articles. Works as an independent art critic and curator.
Rodrigo Duarte (UFMG)
Bachelor’s and master’s degree in Philosophy from UFMG – Federal University of Minas Gerais. Doctorate in Philosophy from Kassel University (1990). Post-doctorate at University of California, in Berkeley (1997). Visiting professor at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (2000) and at Hochschule Mannheim (2011). Since 1990, professor of the Philosophy Department at UFMG. President of ABRE – Brazilian Association of Aesthetics from 2006 to 2014. Books published: Adornos. Nove ensaios sobre o filósofo frankfurtiano (Adornos. Nine Essays on the Frankfurtian Philosopher), 1997; Adorno/Horkheimer & a Dialética do esclarecimento (Adorno/Horkheimer & the Dialectic of Enlightenment), 2002; Teoria crítica da indústria cultural (Critical Theory of the Cultural Industry), 2003; Dizer o que não se deixa dizer (To utter the unutterable), 2008; Deplatzierungen, 2009 (second edition in 2017); Pós-história de Vilém Flusser: gênese-anatomia-desdobramentos (Post-History of Vilém Flusser: Genesis-Anatomy-Unfolding), 2012 and Varia Aesthetica, 2014, among other.
Verlaine Freitas (UFMG)
Bachelor’s degree (1994), master’s degree (1996) and doctorate (2001) in Philosophy at UFMG – Federal University of Minas Gerais. Post-doctorate program at University of Windsor, Canadá (2011). Currently, full professor in the Department of Philosophy at UFMG, researcher of CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, and teacher for the Specialization Course in Psychoanalytic Theory at UFMG. Author of the book Adorno e a arte contemporânea (Adorno and Contemporary Art), and organizer of other books on Aesthetics. Translated works from German and English speaking authors, such as Escritos de psicologia social e psicanálise (Works on Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis) and Primeiros escritos filosóficos (Early Philosophical Writings), both from Theodor Adorno. Researches mainly the following themes: aesthetics and psychoanalysis and mass culture, based on the works of Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud and Theodor Adorno.
Virginia Figueiredo (UFMG)
Professor of the Philosophy Department at UFMG – Federal university of Minas Gerais since 1996. Works mainly in Aesthetics, focussing on the following themes: art and ontology, poetics in German idealism, contemporary aesthetics and art. Doctorate in Philosophy at Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, sob a supervisão de Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe (1994). Post-doctorate program at Boston College, EUA, with Jacques Taminiaux (2003); post-doctorate program at Universidade Marc Bloch, France, with Jean-Luc Nancy (2010). Researcher of CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (1B), between 1997 e 2009. Published several chapters of books and papers in academic journals such as: “Kriterion”, “Viso” and “O que nos faz pensar?”. Published the book Horizontes do Belo: ensaios sobre a Estética de Kant (Horizons of Beauty: Essays on Kantian Aesthetics), in 2017 by the UFMG press.
Vladimir Vieira (UFF)
Doctorate in Philosophy at UFRJ/PPGF – Philosophy Postgraduate Program of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Associate professor at UFF – Federal University of Niterói. Works with Aesthetics and Modern Philosophy, focussing on the Kantian doctrine, its predecessors and developments. Published papers on Kant, Schiller, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Hume. Translated the theoretical essays from Schiller on the sublime and on tragedy into Portuguese.