Confirmed guest speakers
Cíntia Vieira (UFOP- Federal University of Ouro Preto)
Bachelor’s degree (1996), master’s degree (2000) and doctorate (2007) in Philosophy from UNICAMP – State University of Campinas. Postdoctoral research on dance at USP – University of São Paulo (from August 2017 to August 2018). Associate professor at the Philosophy Department of UFOP – Federal University of Ouro Preto. President of ABRE – Brazilian Association of Aesthetics. Experience in Philosophy, especially Modern and Contemporary, working mainly with the following themes: philosophy of difference; the body as a philosophical question; corporeity/image and its aesthetical, ethical-political and epistemological implications; Spinozan theory of affections. Papers published by the journals “Dois pontos”, “Princípios”, “Cadernos espinosanos”, “Viso-cadernos de estética aplicada”, among other. Published Corpo e pensamento: alianças conceituais entre Deleuze e Espinosa (Body and thought: conceptual links between Deleuze and Spinoza), 2013, with the Unicamp Press.
Paula Fleisner (UBA- University of Buenos Aires)
Doctorate degree from University of Buenos Aires. Adjunct researcher at CONICET – Argentinean National Board of Technical and Scientific Investigation. Professor at the Philosophy Department of the University of Buenos Aires, teaches on the subjects “Special Problems of Aesthetics” and “Philosophy of Animality”, and post-graduating seminars. Books published: La vida que viene (The Life that Comes); Estética y filosofía política en el pensamiento de Giorgio Agamben (Aesthetics and Political Philosophy in the Thought of Giorgio Agamben), EUDEBA, 2015. Coordinator of Colectiva Materia for the collective book Indisciplina (Indiscipline). Published the article “Estética, política y ontología” (“Aesthetics, Politics and Ontology”) in the Documents journal, Buenos Aires, Ragif Editores, 2018. Coordinator of the collective book El situacionismo y sus derivas actuales (Situationism and its Current Derivatives), regarding the relations between art and politics in contemporary aesthetics, Prometeo, 2015. Has published many articles in specialized international journals and taken part in conferences, gatherings and journeys in Argentina and Latin America. Participates in research groups on aesthetics and contemporary philosophy. Currently researches post-human materialistic aesthetics.
Sueli Rolnik (PUC-SP – Catholic Pontifical University of São Paulo)
Psychoanalyst, culture and art critic, curator, full professor at PUC-SP – Catholic Pontifical University of São Paulo and guest lecturer of the Program of Independent Studies of the Contemporary Art Museum of Barcelona since 2007. In 2008, guest lecturer of the Official Master in History of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture at the Madrid Autonomous University and Reina Sofia National Museum Art Center, and guest lecturer of Foundation of France at National Institute of Art History. Lived in exile in Paris from 1970 to 1979, where she graduated in Philosophy and Social Sciences at University of Paris VIII. Bachelor, master and DESS degrees in Human Sciences at University Paris VII. Doctorate in Social Psychology at PUC-SP in 1987. Researches politics of subjectivation in different contexts, from a transdisciplinary point of view and inextricable from a clinical-political praxis.
Olivier Schefer (Université Pari I – Pantheon-Sorbonne)
Olivier Schefer is a philosopher and a writer. He teaches German Aesthetics and Philosophy of Contemporary Art at the Université Paris I, Sorbonne. He has specialized on the theoretical works of Novalis, therefore he has edited several philosophical manuscripts at Le Brouillon général. His work focuses on the romantic construction of Modernity and the contemporary resonances of the problems deriving from the first romanticism (fragments, ruines, chaos, imaginary spectral and somnambulisme). He writes regularly for catalogs of contemporary artists such as Anish Kapoor, Claude Lévêque, Stéphane Thidet, Bernar Venet. He is also the writer of three autobiographical works: Un Seul souvenir. Voyages dans les Balkans (2016); Une Tache d’encre (2017) and Conversations silencieuses (2019). An essay on the notion of dialectics in Robert Smithson is expected for 2020.
Gilles Tiberguien (Université Pari I – Pantheon-Sorbonne)
Doctorate degree in Philosophy at the University Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne. Works on the intersection between History of Art and Aesthetics as Conference Professor at University Paris-1 Panthéon – Sorbonne. Member of the editorial committee of the Cahiers du Musée d’Art Moderne and chief editor, along with Jean-Marc Besse, of Carnets du Paysage. Books published: Nature, art, paysage (Nature, art, landscape), Actes – Sud / E.N.S.P., 2001; Amitier (Friendship), Le Félin – Poche, 2008; Le principe de l’axolotl & suppléments. Essais sur les voyages (The Principal of Axolotl & Suplements. Essays on Voyages), Actes – Sud, 2011; Land Art, Carré, 2012; Notes sur la Nature, la cabane et quelques autres choses (Notes on Nature, the Hut and other Things), Le Félin, 2014; Paysages et jardins divers (Various Landscapes and Gardens), Mix, 2015.; Opérations cartographiques (Cartographic Operations), Actes-Sud, 2017, among other. Along with Jean-Marc Besse, organized the books Land art Travelling, Editions Fage, 2018 and Récits du monde (World Stories), IMEC, Caen, 2018.
Kathia Hanza (PUCP – Catholic Pontifical University of Peru)
Studied Philosophy, Romanistic and Classical Philology at the University of Tübingen. Doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Frankfurt. Head professor at the Department of Humanities of PUCP – Catholic Pontifical University of Peru, where she was previously Director of General Studies in the Arts and Literature departments. Currently Director of the Libraries System. Member of the Riva-AguUero Center for Philosophical Studies, research group in Arts and Aesthetics at PUCP, also at the Iberoamerican Nietzschian Society and at the Society for Kantian Studies in Spanish Language. Member of specialized journals’ editorial board. Co-editor for the journal Estudios de Filosofía (Philosophy Studies). Published many articles on Nietzsche and Philosophy of Art.
Eduardo David Oliveira (UFBA – Federal University of Bahia)
Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at UFPN – Federal University of Paraná in 1997. Specialist in African Cultures and brazilian education inter-ethnic relations at Unbem in 1998. Master’s degree in Social Anthropology at UFPN in 2001 and doctorate in Education at UFCE – Federal University of Ceará in 2005. Works on topics related to black diaspora, developing assistance with popular social movements. Most relevant publications: Cosmovisão Africana no Brasil: elementos para uma filosofia afrodescendente (African Cosmovision in Brazil: elements for a afrodescendant philosophy), 2003; Ética e Movimentos Sociais Populares: práxis, subjetividade e libertação (Ethics and Popular Social Movements: praxis, subjectivity and liberation), 2006; Filosofia da Ancestralidade: corpo e mito na filosofia da educação brasileira (Ancestry Philosophy: body and mith in Brazilian philosophy of education), 2007; Ancestralidade na Encruzilhada (Ancestry at the Crossroad), 2007, published by Gráfica e Editora Popular de Curitiba; XIRÊ: a oferenda lírica: um livro de mito-poema (XIRÊ: The Lyric Offering: a mith-poem book), 2016, published by Editora Oguns Toques Negros. Researcher at the RedPect-UFBA Research Group. Lider of the Rede Africanidades Research Group and of the Griô Group: Popular Culture and African Diaspora. Founding member of IPAD – Institute for Afrodescendant Research and founidng member of IFIL – Philosophy of Liberation Institute. Currently coordinating the Knowledge and Culture of the Multi-institutional Doctorate Research Line, Multidisciplinary in Knowledge Dissemination.