6th International Colloquium of Philosophy and Fiction

Utopia, Acronies and Anarcheologies
From 6 to 9 April 2013
Organizing Comitee
Carla Milani Damião (UFG)Hilan Bensusan (UNB)
Miguel Gally (UNB)
Luciana Ferreira (UNB)
Leonel Antunes (UNB)
Loraine Oliveira (UNB)
Eclair Antônio Almeida Filho (UNB)
Monica Udler Cromberg (USP)
Wagner de Campos Sanz (UFG)
The 6th International Colloquium of Philosophy and Fiction was held at Brasília, DF, from 6 to 9 April 2013, and had as its main theme “Utopia, Acronies and Anarcheologies”.